Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Raft UrrrPp
This was a LooSe loose day to say the least,come boxing day morning our Mothers/Fathers had dropped us to freo C-shed for the big day, we had all packed our apple laptops excited to dj on the ride over and the lucky few brought their fixies over-just cause- and set off for much electro,so much quokkas,so much good times.we were lucky enough to have calvin ''i get all the girls'' harris and steve aoki on our boat for this magical are some pics of our boat.
Rotto didnt know what hit them
Few electro kats
Marco Polo-Lad out of waterrrrrrr
Calvin harris-mosh pit
Rotto didnt know what hit them
Few electro kats
Marco Polo-Lad out of waterrrrrrr
Calvin harris-mosh pit
The Many Sides Of Rewi
In this Christmas holiday special us here at cheeboiiwasabi are going to showcase what too many guava cruizers can do to you and the great tale of a loveable,placid,smooth skinned,comic loving,good guy from auckland who has built his reputation as one of Craigies Finest.The the other tale of 2 of his friends Dangerous Dave and Cruizer fuelled Verbal Abuse-Creg.
D.O.B- October 7/1990
Likes-Comics,friends,skating,Fashion,Gaming,Ninjas,good times.
Dislikes- Maui,Dave,Creg.
Criminal Record-Clean
(Rewi-at a childrens charity event-great guy)
D.O.B- 10/cruiser/of the evening
Likes-Laughing,the odd write off towards friends,Dance offs with Blonde Pharoe(slowey slozza cullen)smoking,skulling drinks,topic discussions,filling friends in on the recent Gamer forum discussions.
Dislikes-Rewi,maui,some of cas's insults/comments towards him.
Criminal Record-Street drinking,steeling some timezone tokens,assaulting maui after a heated Mortal Kombat battle.
(Dave-Disgusted with the anonymous decision that he lost the dance off)
D.O.B- 20cruizers/25cigarettes/4losses of MK down.
Likes-Verbally assaulting anyone in the 2km radius,non-triggered attacks on friends at table,swaying in chair,debates,mumbling,Throwing down dance challenges,passing out.
Dislikes-Sober people,Rewi,dave,maui,cas,buddah,ham,slowey,sheena,clomas,ruthers,mother teresa,craigie,raymond.
Criminal Record- ASSAULT CHARGE- Once beat up a kid outside Timezone innaloo after losing in Street fighter IV.
GRAND THEFT AUTO- When rejected access to republic twice,creg attempted to kidnap the owners beloved chitzu maltz and ran in to the moonlight naked and stole a cat bus,luckily rewi called the cops and creg was intercepted on mitchell freeway by the police and the dog was returned to its rightful owner.
Creg-Vintage form
Creg-pre-bottling buddah and maui
Republic owner delighted to have Puff 'N'Stuff back in his arms after a nervous wait for the cops to track down and stop Creg.
D.O.B- October 7/1990
Likes-Comics,friends,skating,Fashion,Gaming,Ninjas,good times.
Dislikes- Maui,Dave,Creg.
Criminal Record-Clean
(Rewi-at a childrens charity event-great guy)
D.O.B- 10/cruiser/of the evening
Likes-Laughing,the odd write off towards friends,Dance offs with Blonde Pharoe(slowey slozza cullen)smoking,skulling drinks,topic discussions,filling friends in on the recent Gamer forum discussions.
Dislikes-Rewi,maui,some of cas's insults/comments towards him.
Criminal Record-Street drinking,steeling some timezone tokens,assaulting maui after a heated Mortal Kombat battle.
(Dave-Disgusted with the anonymous decision that he lost the dance off)
D.O.B- 20cruizers/25cigarettes/4losses of MK down.
Likes-Verbally assaulting anyone in the 2km radius,non-triggered attacks on friends at table,swaying in chair,debates,mumbling,Throwing down dance challenges,passing out.
Dislikes-Sober people,Rewi,dave,maui,cas,buddah,ham,slowey,sheena,clomas,ruthers,mother teresa,craigie,raymond.
Criminal Record- ASSAULT CHARGE- Once beat up a kid outside Timezone innaloo after losing in Street fighter IV.
GRAND THEFT AUTO- When rejected access to republic twice,creg attempted to kidnap the owners beloved chitzu maltz and ran in to the moonlight naked and stole a cat bus,luckily rewi called the cops and creg was intercepted on mitchell freeway by the police and the dog was returned to its rightful owner.
Creg-Vintage form
Creg-pre-bottling buddah and maui
Republic owner delighted to have Puff 'N'Stuff back in his arms after a nervous wait for the cops to track down and stop Creg.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Merry Christmas
I found this shadey pedophile in my house this morning shelfing cookies and skulling milk.
thanks for the hungry jacks coupons santa,best preZzie evA
thanks for the hungry jacks coupons santa,best preZzie evA
Cheeboii is back
After a month off blogging due to our intense tanning/blonding training preparation for all of perths FESTYYYY season,by popular demand cheeboiiwasabi are back to blog the issues that really matter.KeEp WaTcHinG
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Man Auction-Week 3-Liam Barden
Another Very special treat for you ladies/queers this week in the 3rd installment of the Man Auction-the Birthday boy Liam Barden is up for sale and after the previous 2 male candidates Tom "rent inspector'' Cullen and Darren ''Bondi vet'' Miles each going for 250k respectively this promises to be a good one!NAMES-Ham,hammyboo,bearded plebian,Beard Grylls,little bear,Jude Law
LOVES-Growing manly beards.excessive tanning.Peter stuyviezzzz.graffing FIGJAM on perth landmarks such as belltower,parliment house,craigie sheds.stacking shelves.shelfing foreign objects.blondes,pure-blondes,platinum blondes,dirty$ha.the Doors.finding bong caves on west coast highway.
HATES-pale people,shoes,condoms,non-blondes
ACHIEVEMENTS-Once went down on a girl for 8 hours outside Dome cafe in rottnest in broad daylight.Goes to UNI.Good at run outs.
SUMMARY- Super good dude with a great all year base tan and agressive facial hair,loves a party and loves companionship and long beach walks.
LOVES-Growing manly beards.excessive tanning.Peter stuyviezzzz.graffing FIGJAM on perth landmarks such as belltower,parliment house,craigie sheds.stacking shelves.shelfing foreign objects.blondes,pure-blondes,platinum blondes,dirty$ha.the Doors.finding bong caves on west coast highway.
HATES-pale people,shoes,condoms,non-blondes
ACHIEVEMENTS-Once went down on a girl for 8 hours outside Dome cafe in rottnest in broad daylight.Goes to UNI.Good at run outs.
SUMMARY- Super good dude with a great all year base tan and agressive facial hair,loves a party and loves companionship and long beach walks.
Happy birthday Ham
Cheeboiiwasabi would like to wish Perths Bearded Plebian Liam ''buggery'' barden happy birthday.
(strippers coming to hams birthday party-dont tell him)
(strippers coming to hams birthday party-dont tell him)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
random tranny pics of the week
Here are a few cross dressers from around the globe that have been spotted PaRtYing it urrrrp this week.
Where are they now?vol 2-sloweys phone
Have you seen it?its a IPHONE 4 so its pretty expenooooo.It was last seen in doubleview after a crazy party where cruizers were flowing,beats were slamming,girls were crumping,guys were ChIlLing,cops were EnFoRcing.In the panic of cops issueing move-on notices to the party goers and riff raff,slowey who was dressed as a ninja warrior has seemed to panic trying to juggle the impossible tasks of finishing a intense game of the iphone hit ''words'' with a iphone friend from karatha, while also downloading a ''app'' to get more TipZy and trying to find his friends to get a itaxi ihome.If you have this Iphone or know of its whereabouts please contact Tom Cullen on facebook or send him a sms......cheeeboiii
Slowey last seen with his iphone4
Slowey last seen with his iphone4
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Nunnybunnies eurotrash update Vol 2
Hi guys,after a wild night with Carlos Mchugecox i woke up feeling very sorry for myself with the WORST hangover and not to mention no one to snuggle as Carlos did the Phantom on me and left me once he was finished with my goods(typical guy grrrrr!!).Anyway,i had a lovely bubble bath while listening to some minimal tech in hope it would cure my splitting head ache,then went down to the local cafe for some breakfast.i know i shouldnt have but i just endulged in some mini marshmellows for brekky hehe(its all i could stomach but i must admit,when it comes to murdering sweets/lollies i m guilty as charged,lock me up and throw away the key!hehe and throw in a tall dark handsome cell mate please :P).
It was mid morning and time to take in some of the local sites Mykonos has to offer so i went for a lovely stroll down the coast to check out the local fresh produce markets and who did i bump into?none other then Nick Giannopoulos from the Wog boy!so i had to get a photo!
Its funny how you meet people,the lovely man who took the photo of myself and nick then invited me to a pool party he was heading to,so ofcourse i went,i just love being out of my comfort zone and meeting people from all walks of life!like before i would hang with just indie kids,electro enthusiasts and the odd bodyboarder from here to there not even thinking twice if they were douchbags or not but more because they dressed well and looked kinda ''cool'' but as i have travelled i have learnt there is more to a person then fash,some people have bad fash but great personality,you know?mmm just fuel for thought i guess.So once again i am rambling,here are some pics i took of this great pool party with Pat Mgroin, the senior taxi driver from scotland,absolute lovely guy and didnt charge me for my ride that night hehe.enjoy and i ll be updating soon!mwha ex oh ex oh Nunngle.
Pat and few other cabbies from scotland(great guys)
Local talent
Who spiked my ball?!?VOLLEYBALL TIME!
It was mid morning and time to take in some of the local sites Mykonos has to offer so i went for a lovely stroll down the coast to check out the local fresh produce markets and who did i bump into?none other then Nick Giannopoulos from the Wog boy!so i had to get a photo!
Its funny how you meet people,the lovely man who took the photo of myself and nick then invited me to a pool party he was heading to,so ofcourse i went,i just love being out of my comfort zone and meeting people from all walks of life!like before i would hang with just indie kids,electro enthusiasts and the odd bodyboarder from here to there not even thinking twice if they were douchbags or not but more because they dressed well and looked kinda ''cool'' but as i have travelled i have learnt there is more to a person then fash,some people have bad fash but great personality,you know?mmm just fuel for thought i guess.So once again i am rambling,here are some pics i took of this great pool party with Pat Mgroin, the senior taxi driver from scotland,absolute lovely guy and didnt charge me for my ride that night hehe.enjoy and i ll be updating soon!mwha ex oh ex oh Nunngle.
Pat and few other cabbies from scotland(great guys)
Local talent
Who spiked my ball?!?VOLLEYBALL TIME!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Man Auction-Week 2-Dazza Diles
Very special treat for you ladies/queers this week in the 2nd installment of the Man Auction-the auction that takes buggery and bonding very seriously.This weeks hunk of man meat is none other then perths answer to Bondi Vet and Mrs Doubtfire....Darren ''ooodles'' Milezzzzz.So lets take time out to get to know what gets this great tanned man hard and happy.
Star Sign-Cancer
Loves-Tuna,Tuna on toast,stooging,nipple enhancing shirts,his dogs,sleeping/eating with his dogs,bronzing,helping kids like the dad from the hit show 7th heaven,man trains,tension visas,being all round nice guy.
Hates-litter bugs
Achievements-Guiness record for best set of nipples in the milky way,great abbs,acomplished stooger,Uni degree
Summary-Real keeper of a man,the complete package.loves animals,loves kids,tanned,dreamy,owner of a car,doesnt mind a cheeky party or two.
Star Sign-Cancer
Loves-Tuna,Tuna on toast,stooging,nipple enhancing shirts,his dogs,sleeping/eating with his dogs,bronzing,helping kids like the dad from the hit show 7th heaven,man trains,tension visas,being all round nice guy.
Hates-litter bugs
Achievements-Guiness record for best set of nipples in the milky way,great abbs,acomplished stooger,Uni degree
Summary-Real keeper of a man,the complete package.loves animals,loves kids,tanned,dreamy,owner of a car,doesnt mind a cheeky party or two.
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Psychology of the Malignant Sexjock.
A man who is a Sexjock lies to himself, and believes his own lies, becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself as well as for others. When he has no respect for anyone he can no longer love and in order to divert himself from having no love in him, he yields to his impulses. He indulges in the lowest forms of pleasure, such as mass consumerism, wearing a V neck, straightening and tipping his hair, listening to dubb step, shopping at Jack London and Atlas and behaves in the end like an animal. Moreover self deception reaches its peak in the Sexjock. Wearing a mask, hiding behind convention, playing a role for others and for oneself; in short, a continuous fluttering around the solitary flame of vanity is so much the rule and law among sexjocks that to conceive of oneself in any other way is to deny the later and sodomise the former.
K- Duff
K- Duff
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Man Auction-Week 1
Very Special treat for all you ladies/queers out there.Weekly we will keep you up to date on all the finest single men out there perth has to offer.To kickball this rollercoaster or love/lust emotions we thought it was fitting to start with none other then Craigies Fresh Prince Tom ''slowey,slozza'' Cullen brother of Twilights heart throb Edward Cullen.
Bidding starts at $10 for a weekend of bliss and maybe if all goes well eternity?
Names-Slowey,Slozza,Daglish,The Great dane,landlord.
Star Sign-Libra(like the tampons hehe)
Loves-Sushi,wasabi,wasabi peas,tanning,rent,ocean,cruizers,good times,pipelines,new tiles,riptide,occasional rim.
Hates-not much,very loveable and easy going guy...very hard to find a guy like that girls.
Achievements-Proud owner of a house already at such a tender age,he really knows what he wants from life and is smart with his investments whether it be his new coffee machine or his anthony callea poster.
Summary-Great Compassionate Guy
Get those Dollars out chickyssss
Bidding starts at $10 for a weekend of bliss and maybe if all goes well eternity?
Names-Slowey,Slozza,Daglish,The Great dane,landlord.
Star Sign-Libra(like the tampons hehe)
Loves-Sushi,wasabi,wasabi peas,tanning,rent,ocean,cruizers,good times,pipelines,new tiles,riptide,occasional rim.
Hates-not much,very loveable and easy going guy...very hard to find a guy like that girls.
Achievements-Proud owner of a house already at such a tender age,he really knows what he wants from life and is smart with his investments whether it be his new coffee machine or his anthony callea poster.
Summary-Great Compassionate Guy
Get those Dollars out chickyssss
The Power of Music - Jack Leroy Tueller
Pretty amazing story.I wonder if in todays war's,a soldier was to start mixing and playing some boiz noizee,ac slater,cut copy,presets or the likes of, if the same result would occur?i imagine a nuke would be dropped in retaliation to such crap music,possibly worl war III.
Jackie Tan
Nunnas,Jersey/Coogee shore and Everone know that a golden base tan is the backbone for good times all round where ever you are in this world and somewhat of a necessity.So here are a few pics of some of the best jacky tans going around.
Baller-ass architectural ringZzz

Paris-top,very nice house-above. Already there are talks of perth rings being made,with popular landmarks such as the beloved bell tower,beatty park,telstra building and craigie tav all to be included.GoOd TiMeZ.
more here-
nunnybunnies eurotrash update Vol 1
After popular demand team ''cheeboiiwasabi ''are giving the people what they want.Updates on Nungleberries wild euro adventures,here is the much anticipated Volume 1.
Another plane ride,another hangover,another random canadian guys number in my phone i cant remember,brings me here to another beautiful euro-getaway.
At this stage all the beautiful surroundings of each city/country are blurring in to one and becoming somewhat boring,so i decided to just relax by the pool and read a nice book,put the feet up!
A few chapters in(and a few fire engines later :P hehe) in my book i met a lovely man by the name of Carlos Mchugecox(pictured below)he was a lovely guy and very well travelled.We began exchanging travel stories and discussing politics over a few brewskies.
At this stage we were fairly on our way to ladzyville and decided to have a walk on the beautiful beaches of Mykonos to watch the sunset while nibbling/endulging in some delightful savourie treats complimented by some devine home made dips.
Carlos Mchugecox then felt the partybug and peer pressured me in to going out and sampling the mykonos nightlife,so despite being sooo tired i put on my sunday best and went out for what was to be a FAB night!i just love nights like that,where you have no expectations and they turn out to be one of the funnest nights ever!you know what i mean?anyhoo i m rambling i get like that are some snaps from our wild night out,be sure to keep watching as i ll be updating regularly on my eurotrash adventures!hehe.
Another plane ride,another hangover,another random canadian guys number in my phone i cant remember,brings me here to another beautiful euro-getaway.
At this stage all the beautiful surroundings of each city/country are blurring in to one and becoming somewhat boring,so i decided to just relax by the pool and read a nice book,put the feet up!
A few chapters in(and a few fire engines later :P hehe) in my book i met a lovely man by the name of Carlos Mchugecox(pictured below)he was a lovely guy and very well travelled.We began exchanging travel stories and discussing politics over a few brewskies.
At this stage we were fairly on our way to ladzyville and decided to have a walk on the beautiful beaches of Mykonos to watch the sunset while nibbling/endulging in some delightful savourie treats complimented by some devine home made dips.
Carlos Mchugecox then felt the partybug and peer pressured me in to going out and sampling the mykonos nightlife,so despite being sooo tired i put on my sunday best and went out for what was to be a FAB night!i just love nights like that,where you have no expectations and they turn out to be one of the funnest nights ever!you know what i mean?anyhoo i m rambling i get like that are some snaps from our wild night out,be sure to keep watching as i ll be updating regularly on my eurotrash adventures!hehe.
fixie lovers
About time!all those fixie lovers out there can now stop sharing their bed with their ''scene machine'' with the help of this convenient and practical bike shelf.
Already they are proving a hit in Perth with Beaufort street having pre ordered 1000 shelves
Already they are proving a hit in Perth with Beaufort street having pre ordered 1000 shelves
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