Another Very special treat for you ladies/queers this week in the 3rd installment of the Man Auction-the Birthday boy Liam Barden is up for sale and after the previous 2 male candidates Tom "rent inspector'' Cullen and Darren ''Bondi vet'' Miles each going for 250k respectively this promises to be a good one!NAMES-Ham,hammyboo,bearded plebian,Beard Grylls,little bear,Jude Law
LOVES-Growing manly beards.excessive tanning.Peter stuyviezzzz.graffing FIGJAM on perth landmarks such as belltower,parliment house,craigie sheds.stacking shelves.shelfing foreign objects.blondes,pure-blondes,platinum blondes,dirty$ha.the Doors.finding bong caves on west coast highway.
HATES-pale people,shoes,condoms,non-blondes
ACHIEVEMENTS-Once went down on a girl for 8 hours outside Dome cafe in rottnest in broad daylight.Goes to UNI.Good at run outs.
SUMMARY- Super good dude with a great all year base tan and agressive facial hair,loves a party and loves companionship and long beach walks.
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